I am sometimes asked the question - "Can you really heal through 'energy'?" I love this question. Why? Well the truth is that everything that changes in any way on our planet - is really an energy based transformation. Health and disease are no exceptions - and yes they are deeply affected by "energy". So, the answer is unequivocally - yes you can. Yet that does not mean it is without its challenges! So what do you need to know? |
There are many ways we can bring a supportive energy into our healing processes. However, specific to "energy based healing" - we can break this question into two key components:
Do I really have access to "high vibrational" or "transformational" energy?
And, how do I gain access to - the "consciousness" to support this potential in my life?
When people begin to explore energy based healing, they are often inspired to do so through modalities like "hands on healing" or "reiki", as examples. As a person makes this decision, they are opening their energy system to receive energy based healing support that is channelled through a healer, or through their own healing nature.
The energy encountered in such healing work - an energy that is very tangible to those who have experienced it - is capable of flowing into one's energy system and stimulating change and transformation. People will often have some experience that begins to "validate" the reality of this potential, even it begins just as an "act of faith".
For example, sometimes the energy shifts that occur during treatment sessions are quite "physical". It may be tangibly experienced as energy is channelled into the body, and moves through it. It may even be perceptually magnified, if energy moves through strictures or restrictions in the body, or, stimulates the nervous system - creating jolts of limbs and body parts. And, it may be very powerfully experienced, if the energetic influence goes into a deeper emotional level, and helps to decongest emotional energy that may be held in one's energy system. This may be experienced as a deep emotional release. This is often a cathartic experience, one that so commonly takes place during energy based healing work. Perhaps you know first hand, that once a person has this type of experience - the first element of this question fades away. You know, beyond a doubt, that there is an energy that can support your healing - by your own experience!
In the process of energy based healing work - as this transformational energy moves through us - it creates a "de-crystalliizing" and "expanding" influence. This occurs by moving through congested blocks that are being held in our energy bodies in the form of emotion, as well as structured memories or beliefs. This process tends to "open" our bodies - physically, emotionally, and even mentally. And, by this process - it then allows us a greater access to the energy that is available to each of us as a spiritual being - larger and more long lasting than just during "the healing moment".
As a person moves through a healing process, one usually begins to understand that we can carry within us "energy patterns" that lead to certain manifestations and states of experience. And, we can also understand that this is sometimes (BUT not always) the foundation of a disease, or imbalanced state in our lives. It is in this overly "simplified" way, that energy healing provides a tool to bring a deep and powerful healing into our lives.
Now, to heal in this way may not be for everyone. Simply put, it does require a personal degrees of openness - as well as a willingness to participate and become more and more self responsible. Why? One needs to support the releasing of "patterns" that may be leading to or contributing to any disease or disease state. One has to take 'ownership' and be 'ready and willing' to allow this into their life. This is not always as straightforward as it seems. As human beings we often "hold" tightly onto energy patterns that are personal to us for a variety of reasons. These patterns are sometimes so deeply ingrained in us that we think they are healthy, or even serve us in some way.
Letting go of limiting or destructive patterns of energy can be a challenge. So healing often means also learning. And, learning may mean becoming self aware enough to see what patterns we may carry - and more conscious of the both the pattern - and a greater potential experience that is possible for us - in our lives. Historical experience - sometimes deeply karmic or through "prior" lifetimes - may have a strong bearing on this aspect of healing. So, healing will sometimes require a lot of patience and support in order to walk through deep or painful emotions, in particular the fear that would "logically" want to retain a pattern in place. But with a little courage and sincerity, we can muddle through the most complex of issues with some grace !
Now, where does this "energy" to heal really come from? Well, in a round about way, this question introduces the other key element in the healing equation - consciousness. To become more conscious is not simply to become more "self aware" or conscious of our own personal wounds and healing stories. It is to become more aware of the truer nature of reality - the spiritual nature of reality. By becoming more "conscious" - we vicariously open ourselves to the "magical power" that is held within this realization. You see, as we begin to experience the reality of "energy healing" - we are opening our mind to the realization that we are truly spiritual beings - and there is a spiritual dimension to life. It is from this level of reality that the energy is being directed, and brought forward into our lives.
Stepping outside of religious definitions of spiritual meaning - to expand in consciousness means that we develop a deep understanding and acceptance that we are spiritual beings engaged in a human experience. And, if we are truly spiritual in our nature - then we are more than we have been taught, believe or have known up to this point in our experiences. One comes to know unequivocally that they are first and foremost a soul. This is often referred to as a process of "awakening". And, healing involves the integrative process of this awakening - one that opens a whole world of potential to the "seeker" of healing. Embedded in this transformation is access to a wonderful energy - an energy of healing!
I believe fundamentally that each of us carries within us access to a "health template". We have within us potential access to the intelligence and power to support us in healing any state or condition we may encounter. Our "job" if you will is to learn about it - and let it become powerfully present in our lives.
As we walk our journey of 'duality' and 'free choice' - we each have the opportunity to take a much more profound sense of responsibility for the experience we uniquely live - and discover the power and ultimately the spiritual freedom that accompanies this state of consciousness. We begin to understand that we each carry a profound power to transform our lives and our reality in any way we need to grow and to shine. We begin to grasp that physical, emotional, mental or familial healing will be but one part of a greater journey of spiritual realization. And, perhaps most importantly, we learn that we are each deeply loved by the creator and supported universally in our own journey through life - to manifest a potential that is personal carved by our unique spiritual design.
Anyone can learn to access energy and information that is outside of everyday reality. And, when you begin to accept yourself in this way - you are able to achieve things that are not necessarily "common" or "generally accepted" as true. Punching a hole in the veil of separation allows us greater access to a mystical healing power that lies within each of us. If you allow yourself to walk across the threshold of consciousness that separates you from your spiritual potential and power - you will gain access to the energy - and the love - that can move mountains and heal.
Can you heal through energy? Of course you can!
What are you waiting for : ) !
Dr. John Ryan is a board certified physician, energy healer, speaker and visionary. His life was transformed by a series of mystical events that brought him to discover the validity of a spiritual and energy based healing paradigm – his passion. He is an author (The Missing Pill – a highly acclaimed primer on Energy and Consciousness Based Healing) and founder of Unity Field Healing (A pioneering energy process that works with your Quantum DNA for biospiritual integration).
“Dr. John Ryan is one of only a handful of medical professionals who will begin to demystify the utterly confusing world of New Age energy healing into an integrated idea and new healing reality for many!”
Lee Carroll PhD Author and channel for Kryon
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