<![CDATA[DrJohnRyan.Org - Blog]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 09:51:54 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Can You Really Heal Through "Energy"?]]>Tue, 15 Mar 2016 23:38:22 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/can-you-really-heal-through-energy
I am sometimes asked the question - "Can you really heal through 'energy'?"  I love this question.  Why?  Well the truth is that everything that changes in any way on our planet - is really an energy based transformation.  Health and disease are no exceptions - and yes they are deeply affected by "energy".  So,  the answer is unequivocally - yes you can.  Yet that does not mean it is without its challenges!  So what do you need to know?
Everything in the tangible world is made of energy.  Our bodies are truly energy temples -  an unbelievably sophisticated structural and functional energy system.  What we are really asking by this question is this: "Is it possible to have access to an energy, one that can support a tendency toward healing in my body, or my psychological life?"

There are many ways we can bring a supportive energy into our healing processes. However, specific to "energy based healing" - we can break this question into two key components:
Do I really have access to "high vibrational" or "transformational" energy?
And, how do I gain access to - the "consciousness" to support this potential 
in my life?

When people begin to explore energy based healing, they are often inspired to do so through modalities like "hands on healing" or "reiki", as examples.  As a person makes this decision, they are opening their energy system to receive energy based healing support that is channelled through a healer, or through their own healing nature.  

The energy encountered in such healing work - an energy that is very tangible to those who have experienced it - is capable of flowing into one's energy system and stimulating change and transformation. People will often have some experience that begins to "validate" the reality of this potential, even it begins just as an "act of faith".  

For example, sometimes the energy shifts that occur during treatment sessions are quite "physical".  It may be tangibly experienced as energy is channelled into the body, and moves through it. It may even be perceptually magnified, if energy moves through strictures or restrictions in the body, or, stimulates the nervous system - creating jolts of limbs and body parts.  And, it may be very powerfully experienced, if the energetic influence goes into a deeper emotional level, and helps to decongest emotional energy that may be held in one's energy system.  This may be experienced as a deep emotional release.  This is often a cathartic experience, one that so commonly takes place during energy based healing work.  Perhaps you know first hand, that once a person has this type of experience - the first element of this question fades away.  You know, beyond a doubt, that there is an energy that can support your healing - by your own experience!

In the process of energy based healing work - as this transformational energy moves through us - it creates a "de-crystalliizing" and "expanding" influence.  This occurs by moving through congested blocks that are being held in our energy bodies in the form of emotion, as well as structured memories or beliefs. This process tends to "open" our bodies - physically, emotionally, and even mentally.  And, by this process - it then allows us a greater access to the energy that is available to each of us as a spiritual being - larger and more long lasting than just during "the healing moment".  

As a person moves through a healing process, one usually begins to understand that we can carry within us "energy patterns" that lead to certain manifestations and states of experience.  And, we can also understand that this is sometimes (BUT not always) the foundation of a disease, or imbalanced state in our lives.  It is in this overly "simplified" way, that energy healing provides a tool to bring a deep and powerful healing into our lives. 

Now, to heal in this way may not be for everyone.  Simply put, it does require a personal degrees of openness - as well as a willingness to participate and become more and more self responsible.  Why?  One needs to support the releasing of "patterns" that may be leading to or contributing to any disease or disease state.  One has to take 'ownership' and be 'ready and willing' to allow this into their life.  This is not always as straightforward as it seems.  As human beings we often "hold" tightly onto energy patterns that are personal to us for a variety of reasons.  These patterns are sometimes so deeply ingrained in us that we think they are healthy, or even serve us in some way.  

Letting go of limiting or destructive patterns of energy can be a challenge.  So healing often means also learning.  And, learning may mean becoming self aware enough to see what patterns we may carry - and more conscious of the both the pattern - and a greater potential experience that is possible for us - in our lives.  Historical experience - sometimes deeply karmic or through "prior" lifetimes - may have a strong bearing on this aspect of healing. So, healing will sometimes require a lot of patience and support in order to walk through deep or painful emotions, in particular the fear that would "logically" want to retain a pattern in place.   But with a little courage and sincerity, we can muddle through the most complex of issues with some grace !

Now, where does this "energy" to heal really come from?  Well, in a round about way, this question introduces the other key element in the healing equation - consciousness.  To become more conscious is not simply to become more "self aware" or conscious of our own personal wounds and healing stories.  It is to become more aware of the truer nature of reality - the spiritual nature of reality.  By becoming more "conscious" - we vicariously open ourselves to the "magical power" that is held within this realization.  You see, as we begin to experience the reality of "energy healing" - we are  opening our mind to the realization that we are truly spiritual beings - and there is a spiritual dimension to life.  It is from this level of reality that the energy is being directed, and brought forward into our lives.

Stepping outside of religious definitions of spiritual meaning - to expand in consciousness means that we develop a deep understanding and acceptance that we are spiritual beings engaged in a human experience.  And, if we are truly spiritual in our nature - then we are more than we have been taught, believe or have known up to this point in our experiences.  One comes to know unequivocally that they are first and foremost a soul.  This is often referred to as a process of "awakening".  And, healing involves the integrative process of this awakening - one that opens a whole world of potential to the "seeker" of healing.  Embedded in this transformation is access to a wonderful energy - an energy of healing!

I believe fundamentally that each of us carries within us access to a "health template".  We have within us potential access to the intelligence and power to support us in healing any state or condition we may encounter.  Our "job" if you will is to learn about it - and let it  become powerfully present in our lives.

As we walk our journey of 'duality' and 'free choice' - we each have the opportunity to take a much more profound sense of responsibility for the experience we uniquely live - and discover the power and ultimately the spiritual freedom that accompanies this state of consciousness.   We begin to understand that we each carry a profound power to transform our lives and our reality in any way we need to grow and to shine.  We begin to grasp that physical, emotional, mental or familial healing will be but one part of a greater journey of spiritual realization.  And, perhaps most importantly, we learn that we are each deeply loved by the creator and supported universally in our own journey through life - to manifest a potential that is personal carved by our unique spiritual design.  

Anyone can learn to access energy and information that is outside of everyday reality. And, when you begin to accept yourself in this way - you are able to achieve things that are not necessarily "common" or "generally accepted" as true. Punching a hole in the veil of separation allows us greater access to a mystical healing power that lies within each of us.  If you allow yourself to walk across the threshold of consciousness that separates you from your spiritual potential and power - you will gain access to the energy - and the love - that can move mountains and heal.  

Can you heal through energy?  Of course you can!  
What are you waiting for : ) !  


Dr. John Ryan is a board certified physician, energy healer, speaker and visionary.  His life was transformed by a series of mystical events that brought him to discover the validity of a spiritual and energy based healing paradigm – his passion.  He is an author (The Missing Pill – a highly acclaimed primer on Energy and Consciousness Based Healing) and founder of Unity Field Healing (A pioneering energy process that works with your Quantum DNA for biospiritual integration).  

“Dr. John Ryan is one of only a handful of medical professionals who will begin to demystify the utterly confusing world of New Age energy healing into an integrated idea and new healing reality for many!”  

Lee Carroll PhD  Author and channel for Kryon

Curious to learn all about energy healing - discover The Missing Pill:

<![CDATA[Embodying Higher Consciousness, Light and Balance is the Greatest Thing a Human Can Do In These Times]]>Thu, 25 Jun 2015 17:20:55 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/embodying-higher-consciousness-light-and-balance-is-the-greatest-thing-a-human-can-do-in-these-timesPicture
The awareness of things dark and controlling – things that have been part of humanity’s history for a very long time – are surfacing into awareness.  They present daily on the screen of life.  As we examine the news and global events  – it is potentially very easy to be coerced into the paradigm of fear and control – the one that envelops us right now as human beings on the planet.  This is fear at its finest – and we must each learn to relate to this drama with wisdom and transformational power.

As we bear witness to the unbelievable drama, misery, suffering and shockingly low consciousness this can reveal – there is an understandable tendency for anger to arise within people to react.  Fear can easily be in charge of reflexive perceptions and choices.  Yet there is great disempowerment that arises when a conscious being falls in to this drama.  We have all been there, right? 

I am often asked, “How we can stay centered in these times of transition and change?”  I am also sometimes challenged - by those, who believe that angry activism, is the route to a better world.  Yet I believe the spiritual beings that we all admire – Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Christ to name a few – are exemplars of what to do in the face of darkness and ignorance.

Consciousness is a spiritual attribute that transcends but incudes human consciousness.  When we begin to understand consciousness, we start to grasp that each one of us as a human being, is a cell in the larger organism of humanity.  Our lives individually are a pretty fair representation of the level of consciousness we have attained.  Yet, as a single cell, we are relating to that same humanity by the consciousness we hold within our own being.  We discover that our human experience can be richly infused with the energy, wisdom, power and love of our deeper spiritual nature and reality.  And if it is – our very presence as a member of humanity is affected by this attainment.  As we seek personal healing or planetary transformation - it is this inner state that we each seek.  It allows us to become a more powerful catalyst for transformational presence both within the context of our individual lives and also as a presence on the planet.

If we are constantly in rebellion and fighting with “the establishment” – it is worthy to stop and ask ourselves a question:  What is the energy that I am contributing to the fabric of life?   We might also ask:  “How do we handle the challenges of corruption and low level consciousness around us, if we do react this way to make change?”

Each one of us is, first and foremost, a spiritual entity.  We each have chosen by design to incarnate and be present in this remarkable time of transformation.  We are here because we wanted to be and we each have a remarkably important role to play.  Yet, traditionally our roles are actions – so when we know we "have a purpose" - we begin to think of what we can "do" to make the world a better place.  But before we act - we need to be empowered by our spirit!  Any “doing” must follow this “being” to be aligned.

In consciousness, we are not limited by the notion of who we are or what we do as a human being.  We are larger and more powerful than that.  It behooves us to realize that when we are caught up in the drama of the exiting world experience – we are often simply not living at our highest level of potential consciousness.  For example, when we are frustrated or impatient or angry – we can be very understanding and even compassionate towards the predicament.  Yet, we know at that moment we are not usually manifesting our richest spiritual potential.  We are enmeshed in an energy configuration that has knocked us out of balance – and it cannot be solved at the level at which it arises – the human ego.  We have to rise above the polarity of the ego and ask ourselves what is the wisest way to be, to think and to act.

As each of us takes a step up and becomes more and more conscious of “who” we really are and the power we hold inside – using our energy to manifest conflict becomes less and less attractive to us.  We begin to aspire to a much greater balance, sense of inner peace and spirit infused wellbeing.   

So although one cannot “disconnect” from these experiences or turn a blind eye to them as a human being – we must learn to relate them in an inspired way.  So yes, we can participate in changing the rules and customs of the planet, our governments, our world of business and our societies – but it must now be done with greater wisdom and grace.  This can only done with grace if we are spirit infused ourselves.  Through the window of wisdom and compassion we can learn to act from a place of great centeredness, clarity and power.  We become less caught up in the winds and currents of “the illusions of maya”.  We become a force of new potential – just like so many inspired men, women, children, saints and gurus have done throughout time. 

Consciousness patterns energy.  To understand the power of taking the spiritual high road – it is useful to think in terms of energy.  As we grow in consciousness – we can re-pattern our energy.  We can “learn” to hold our own personal energy signature in a greater, clearer and more coherent frequency.  Remember, this becomes the vibration that you are personally adding to the fabric of human life.  This is the energy of your cell, your contribution.  It makes a much bigger contribution to the future of the  planet than we may realize.

Does that “really” make a difference?  Yes.  By holding this frequency – you can effectively create a field around you that supports life – your life and the whole fabric of life – at this higher vibration.   The higher the vibration collectively – the harder it is for “lower level” realities to exist.   We must create it within ourselves as spiritually responsible entities.  We have to let go of our own habits, patterns and personality tendencies that drive us in another direction.  That becomes our own personal responsibility to “heal’ or transform – we must each “be the change”.

Compassion is the highest principle we can practice to help us in these moments – compassion towards ourselves, towards others, and the family of humanity.  In a state of compassion and the wisdom in which it resides – we can begin to see through the transitory state of energetic creations, and strengthen our resolve to become the highest vibration on which the new world emerging now is founded.  We can put an end to the low vibrational tendencies in our own personal life, disengage from the drama, and forgive the past to be free in the present. 

The human beings drive to heal and transform is not in vain!  It simply needs to be grasped truly to be effective and ignited more powerfully now on the planet.  Be assured – for this is happening everywhere now – and there is reason to be very hopeful and you are part of the wave!  As human beings – we are truly getting it!  The world is well on its way to the future we all know is possible.  And, to add to this faith, we will see this consciousness develop remarkably in the new children arriving on the planet.  It is so obvious now that a new kind of planet is being born under our feet and through our hearts. 

You can be the sunshine, the kindness, the respect the compassion to stand within anything that may surface.  Hold truth in the dignity of your awakened heart.

Let nothing disturb your precious peace.  Let nothing make you feel small or unworthy – and act from this point of power.  BE the magnificent power you hold in spirit – with wisdom, balance, integrity and love.



Dr. John Ryan is a board certified physician, energy healer, speaker and visionary.  His life was transformed by a series of mystical events that brought him to discover the validity of a spiritual and energy based healing paradigm – his passion.  He is an author (The Missing Pill – a highly acclaimed primer on Energy and Consciousness Based Healing) and founder of Unity Field Healing (A pioneering energy process that works with your Quantum DNA for biospiritual integration).  

“Dr. John Ryan is one of only a handful of medical professionals who will begin to demystify the utterly confusing world of New Age energy healing into an integrated idea and new healing reality for many!”  

Lee Carroll PhD  Author and channel for Kryon

<![CDATA[GROUNDING THE BIG PICTURE OF HUMAN TRANSFORMATION]]>Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:07:05 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/grounding-the-big-picture-of-human-transformationPicture

We are on the frontier of a whole new type of human civilization.  Yet, in the midst of world changes and often the chaos we see around us – it can be hard to stay fearless, and ride the wave of change toward the bright future it is creating!    It can also be easy to become doubtful or unfocused - and lose sight of what is really useful and important to us. 

In such times, it is really important to develop and maintain a view of the bigger picture.  It allows us to see more clearly what is taking place, and find solace in a higher truth and wisdom.   No one sees exactly what the future will bring, or the twists on the path to get there – but we do know it is ultimately good.   Meanwhile, there are things we know for certain to guide us through these times.  Here are five important concepts that I believe are important to grasp and really hang on to.  I encourage you to allow them to support and nurture you through these changing times.

1.     We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

You are first and foremost not a human being – but a spiritual being.  This idea is now a very common adage in our New Consciousness Community.  It is one thing to know, accept or understand this idea.  It is quite another is to be or “become” it.  Don’t simply know you are spiritual being.  Allow yourself to really integrate this concept – and fearlessly step into the healing power of your soul!  You see, these are not mere words.  They provide a powerful key of expanding conscious – one that opens an individual’s ability to heal and transform one’s life.

This understanding reverses any tendency we have as human beings to see our lives as “out of control”, “purposeless”, and “fixed or unchangeable”.  It also undoes any tendency to seek for some external source of “love or redemption”.  These are replaced by a life in which we know ourselves to be a powerful, awakening, integrating souls.  Our life, and all of its elements – both “good” and “bad” – contain purpose, value and meaning.   

Our destiny is to become spiritually realized beings.  We can overcome the tendency to create a life based on history, wounds, akashic attributes, victim based consciousness and ego tendencies.  We can create a healed and conscious life founded in healing, peace, love, joy and spiritual wisdom.

2.     We are in a state of profound transformation

The planet is the midst of massive transformation of energy and consciousness.  On a universal scale, this transformation is expected and on time.  Reflections of this timing have been found in spiritual traditions of all forms.  These are familiar to us as we pass 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar, and declarations of the “end times”.   

The clarion call was found in the moment known today as the Harmonic Convergence.  The Harmonic Convergence, in 1987, represented a point in time of spiritual measurement.  It was a moment to assess the “spiritual maturity” of humanity – and a moment to determine the potential of our future.  Would it be a future of spiritual destruction – returning to ground zero?  Or, would it be a future of rapid and graduated spiritual evolution?  The outcome was dependent on the collective spiritual maturity to determine the “fate of humanity”. 

The potential for planetary transformation follows a long history of human development – one that brought us to the point of taking a Spiritual Evolutionary Leap.  This measurement of the “light and consciousness of humanity” occurred on schedule.  And, well, we did it!  Humanity declared itself ready to evolve.  And with this, we began a profound acceleration of change. 

Important to understand, are two facts: 

i.          This transformation is not happening to humanity.  It is happening because of humanity and humanity’s spiritual progress.  We have been catapulted into this new potential – because of humanity’s collective quotient of light and consciousness.  It is an achievement.

ii.        It was not a preordained destiny – it was only a potential.  If we were not ready – the planet would have had a very different future.  Can you say,  “Armageddon?”   But we were ready – and the wheels were set in motion for a very different future!  It is now a potential that is materializing and we are smack in the middle of letting go of old energy consciousness!  Yet, despite the chaos around us – it is not an Armageddon.  It is the dying of an old energy consciousness and a re-birth of humanity.  Never lose sight of this!

Hence, the changes upon us are both an achievement and a gift of grace.  Things could have gone differently!  Let’s celebrate and congratulate our selves on job well done! :)

The essential nature of this transformation involves the accelerated development of a mature human spiritual consciousness.  As most of you know, it is now termed the ascension.  It involves a profound energetic reset – and a massive expansion in consciousness – one that will change the very nature of humanity. 

On a spiritual level it really represents the gradual transition from a solely karmic-based system of spiritual development – to one where we can assume our roles as spiritually conscious, intentional co-creators.   Yet, this new world starts with consciousness, emerges through energetic or internal changes, and manifests in the world outside.  Its scale is massive – and we have to be just a little patient :)!

Now that we have entered this time of transformation – we are being supported spiritually in making the transformation!  We are not alone.  It is certainly being supported on a universal scale.  In cosmic terms we see the galactic alignments, our arrival in the photon belt, and channeled messages of realigning grids.   And, on an earthly level we see energy changes manifesting in the shifting magnetic grids of the planet, solar flares that convey galactic energy to the planet, earthquakes and nature based events, unpredictable weather patterns, and shifting societal norms.   All of this transformation has a purpose.  It is to provide the platform and support the development of a new world - for the new human. 

Yet, these types of changes can be understood to represent a backdrop.  It is important not to fear them.  It is also critically important to realize the process is not simply about such energy changes. They are part of a larger process that is really all about the acceleration of human consciousness!  The most profound of change is truly happening within us.  We are transforming.  This occurs through an expanding consciousness, and the spiritual energetic adjustments that occur not only in our physical bodies but also within the quantum or informational realm of our DNA!

3.     Change can be messy – Have Faith, Love More & Love Yourself!

So - we passed this marker, and have begun to build this new future.  Yes, this is perhaps hard to believe sometimes, particularly in the midst of heart-crushing world events!  Change is messy, mysterious and challenging!  It doesn’t always look or feel like progress from our limited human point of view.  It is however destined to bring the world into a plane of higher consciousness – so there is still a lot of reason for celebration.   

This transformation has many facets – for we are taking a giant leap in spiritual evolution.  It affects society and societal institutions.  It affects human health and the human body.  It affects the nature of new children being born, and the systems to support human childhood development.  It affects the stability and occurrence natural events on the planet.  And these are just a few!  Human consciousness is changing – and we will be slowly transforming into a new kind of human being – and new kind of civilization. 

On a social level this means the development of a more conscious, sustainable, fair and balanced world.  It means a much greater awareness of humanity’s true spiritual nature as well as the conscious nature of all life on this precious living planet.  It means understanding our galactic heritage, and integrating an expanded quantum view of reality.  It also means humanity will lose its tolerance and fear of dark systems and attributes of consciousness.  We will see a rooting out of corruption and injustice, as humanity find the courage and power to collectively build a new kind of world.  And yes – there will be resistance – but don’t lose sight of “the end game”.  It is now our destiny. 

It is vital that we do not buy into the fear and its divisiveness – and that we all stay focused on wisdom and wellbeing.  This shift of consciousness, and its energetic manifestations, will soon be the harbinger of unfathomable ideas of new development, invention and reorganization – and planetary peace.  It is a process that will usher in a brand new way of life.

On a very personal level – it will also awaken much new potential within each of us.  Yet to walk as bridge from the old to the new – there is also a personal recalibration.  Our body has to adjust to the new energy.  And this has challenges – right :) !  It is critical to develop spiritual attributes of faith, courage, intuitive trust and discernment, strength, kindness, compassion, integrity, honesty, and wisdom.  It is important we become fully centered in the common sense of our true spiritual nature and be attentive to our self-care.

Perhaps nothing is more important than to develop a compassionate sense of self support in addition to the support of our families, communities and the world around us.  Learning to make self-respectful and empowered choices, following the path of personal healing and spiritual transformation, living intentionally, living intuitively and synchronistically - and loving ourselves authentically - are all the epicenter of graceful change.

As we do this, we are also beginning to understand not only the energetic nature of reality and attributes of human energy system, but also the quantum basis of life and the role of consciousness as a creative force.  Humanity is also slowly awakening to an awareness of the quantum nature of all life – and in particular our DNA. 

4.     Your DNA is changing

The information we carry in our genes goes far beyond simple genetics.  To learn about this information (and the practical application of what it bring to us) is so valuable – it is perhaps essential toward self-support in these changing times.

Our DNA interfaces with a quantum system of information that contains an awareness of our spiritual history and potential.  It can be intentionally “awakened” and empowered through intended personal activation.  The changes we see because of this will not be found in the physical DNA – so science will have a great challenge with this idea.  It will occur in our “connectivity” to our quantum or spiritual DNA – which is invisible to science at present.  However, we will slowly begin to see the power of what it creates.

Beyond theoretical musing – what would really be contained in the process of awakening a greater potential in our DNA?  

Could we access information to help us heal wounds we carry? 
Could we access information about our life path and purpose? 
Can we access our akashic information?
Can we erase karma and move forward in the new energy?  
Could we manifest a great sense of personal peace, wisdom and balance? 
Could we heal tendencies that we carry in our own genes; tendencies toward diseases or the potential to manifest diseases? 
Can we regenerate healthier bodies?
Can we reach into our akashic record, stored in the quantum field encasing our DNA?
Could we activate latent abilities and talents that we carry forward from past incarnational experiences – hidden skills or strengths to help us manifest a rich and passionate purpose we carry in our hearts? 
Is it in DNA that we find our connection to our spiritual nature and reality?

We are told that this is all true.  However it takes awareness and commitment to the belief to have your own personal experiences.  It also takes an intentional participation in the journey. 

Many people today are remembering past life experience – including many new children who have vivid details of their past incarnations.  People worldwide are using such therapies as past life regression and “Quantum” energy work to bring tangible healing into their lives.  People are having visionary experiences and kundalini awakenings – experiences that are tangibly showing the reality of such things. 

Since many of these mystical revelations occur in visionary and intuitive events – they are hard to prove.  It requires personal discernment.  People are either in tune with this, or, set to bypass it as meaningful.  All is okay.  Each person must follow the beat of their “own drum” – their heart!  Science cannot solve this one yet – because we now about but don’t yet see quantum energy!  You will only know if you try for yourself.  And how can you try, if you don’t learn …

5.     Understanding a little more about the human energy system, consciousness, wellness, and the power to heal is a really valuable endeavor for everyone

Part of this transformation is a growth in consciousness.  There are so many things to learn about that can help us as we do this.  The point is – keep learning!

It is valuable to learn about the human chakras and energy system.  
It is important to learn about our awakening potential as co creative spiritual beings, and what this implies.
It is important to learn about love, fear and ego – to be able to transcend old karmic patterning. 
It is beneficial to learn about vibrational healing potentials – for they are highly supportive to people in transformation.  
It is valuable to understand creation as a mirror of personal and collective patterning – the law of attraction – and learn to create intentional wellbeing.
It is “awakening” to learn about Quantum DNA and healing.  We can learn all about the tools and abilities that are being empowered by this transformation, in these new times.  

Through these endeavors, we can learn to develop energetic balance.  We can energetically heal past wounds, karmic wounds and memories.  We can develop trustworthy intuition and move in the flow of synchronicity.  We can overcome the attraction of ego-laden tendencies, and being stuck in attributes of fear.  We can learn to build an authentic life based on love, wisdom, joy and spiritual balance.

Today, there are so many wonderful books that tackle these topics – so find your favorites.  I do know it can be daunting to open ourselves to this whole new world of spiritual information and live through the process.  As I journeyed through my own personal healing experience, and helped other do the same - I always wished for a book that would bring together the big picture of healing and make it meaningful and accessible in a concise and consolidated way.  

Since necessity has long been the mother of invention J - this longing inspired me to write my first book on healing, The Missing Pill – The Rise of Energy Medicine and Consciousness based HealingThe Missing Pill is primer that takes you deep you into understanding consciousness and energy based healing – and introduces you a new quantum based healing modality entitled Unity Field Healing.  It just may be the missing primer you need to read to catalyze your personal process, or share with others as you support them on their journey. 

May you find the treasure that lies within.
Every Blessing !


Dr. John Ryan is a board certified physician, energy healer, speaker and visionary.  His life was transformed by a series of mystical events that brought him to discover the validity of a spiritual and energy based healing paradigm – his passion.  He is an author (The Missing Pill – a highly acclaimed primer on Energy and Consciousness Based Healing) and founder of Unity Field Healing (A pioneering energy process that works with your Quantum DNA for biospiritual integration).  

“Dr. John Ryan is one of only a handful of medical professionals who will begin to demystify the utterly confusing world of New Age energy healing into an integrated idea and new healing reality for many!”  

Lee Carroll PhD  Author and channel for Kryon.

<![CDATA[Handling Darkness - with a Canadian Flair]]>Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:12:39 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/handling-darkness-with-a-canadian-flairPicture
This week we lived a sad and very strange day in Ottawa - as our city and country experienced a horrific intentional killing. It was the second such event in recent days, as a young father’s life has been taken by a sad and deranged shooting - and a very troubled young man has also died. There is a great deal of sadness remains as we reflect on the extended issues around the event. My heart goes out in compassion to all of the families who are directly and personally affected by this tragedy.

In the midst of the chaos created, as I watched the coordinated, powerful, courageous and respectful way the security and emergency services reacted to events – I was humbled by and proud of our city’s first responders. They took immediate charge and remained incredible respective of the citizens they serve. As I watched news coverage I was refreshed by the responsible and non-sensationalist way information was conveyed to keep people informed. I was relieved that there wisdom and respect in its delivery. And as I watched the sadness, compassion, kindness and loving response of fellow Canadians I was invigorated by the love and goodness that Canadians live by every day and is magnified in times of tragedy! I was reassured that this will not turn our country into a place of fear, hatred, anger, false assumptions or darkness.

Here is what I have been reminded of ( and inspired by ! ) about the great majority of Canadians:

We are a wise, humble and proud people – people who will not be turned into fearful, reactive, hateful people by world events – even when they land our doorstep.

We are capable of remaining calm and reflective – and willing to reflect on doing the right thing in the right way – even when filled with great darkness. This gives me great faith in these times.

We are an open culture – and we are capable of seeing the difference between a culture, or a religion, and a deranged extremist action. 

We understand the need and willingness to protect and nurture what is good and right – and we will always be present to support those in crisis or in need.

Love prevails – always has and always will. 
And, love trumps fear!

<![CDATA[10 Things You Can Do Today … or Any Day … To Know Your Spirit !!]]>Mon, 09 Jun 2014 18:33:33 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/-10-things-you-can-do-today-or-any-day-to-know-your-spiritPicture
No time for spiritual stuff?  Today’s world is fast paced and demanding in many ways.  It can feel often that we do not have time to integrate elements of a meaningful spirituality.  This may be a common perception -- but it is not really true for anyone.  There are many things you do, or can do, every day - which support your spiritual being.

See how some of the following ideas can “fit” into your lifestyle with just a little conscious awareness:

1.     Acknowledge your Spiritual Nature

This sounds straight forward enough – but it is a fundamental step in developing a spiritual practice.  We think often we have to “become” spiritual but this is based on a fundamental confusion.  We "are" spiritual beings. 

You are not a human being searching to be spiritual.  You are a spiritual being having a human experience.  You, and everyone you encounter today, is a spiritual being.  We are living in the form of a human being.  

Our experience of life is purposed to be one of honor, meaning and growth.  You will find no better place to practice “spiritual virtues” that in the “right now” of your life.  Remember that as you look into another’s eyes, do your shopping, drive your car, talk to co-workers and spend time with your family … you are sharing time with another soul.

2.     Take a Period of Time Today to be with Yourself Consciously

As a spiritual being, take a few moments each and every day to be in conscious communion with your spiritual nature.  Just like you make time for you family, children, friends or colleagues – make a little time to be with your own soul.

This can take many forms.  Some people practice meditation, contemplation, conscious relaxation, or healing exercises.  This time is put aside – away from external demands, and thoughts or feelings of any engagement – to be with your soul.  Find a period of silence and listen to your soul.  

You will be astonished how your soul will speak with you and communicate with you with insight, intuitive awareness, symbolism and inspiration when you quiet the clamour of life and honor its presence in your world.

3.     Do Something Good for your Physical Body

Our physical bodies are really spiritual vehicles.  The physical body is a temple – a structural place for your spirit to take up residence.  Treat it this way, and listen to what it needs to be well.

The body will always benefit from periods of both relaxation and activity.  If you are too sedentary – integrate a form of activity into your routine.  This might be a walk or run, a swim, a yoga session.  Yet, don’t just be active, be active "consciously" – recognizing you are doing what you are doing in honor and care of you body.  Feed it nutritiously and consciously.  And, if you are overdoing it … take a break!

4.     Be Creative – Connect with your Inner Creativity and Playfulness

Using our mental and emotional nature in a playful and creative way is a wonderful way to connect with our spirit.  

If you have hobbies you enjoy, or creative ways to express yourself - immerse yourself in the playfulness and joy of the activity.   For many, this is through more obvious creative expression such as arts, crafts, singing, or dance – but there are an infinite number of ways to find creative expression – limited only by your ability to engage!

Find an activity or activities that are personal and meaningful to you.  You do not need to beat to that same drum as your neighbor – you must find what is authentic to you personally.  When you do, let go and have a blast!

5.     Practice a Random Act of Kindness

There is nothing as rich to the spirit as giving.  We live in a world where fear, scarcity, greed, and lack are so prevalent, that we are constantly in need of acquiring something or preserving something.  But the soul loves to share!

Make it a point today, or perhaps even an everyday practice in your life, to do randomly kind things.  Help someone with his or her parcels, stop traffic for someone who can’t cross the street, pay a toll for the driver behind you, buy a stranger lunch.  Just try it (anonymously if you can) and watch the reactions.

The act of bringing kindness, generosity, love and good will are founded in a wise energetic reality.  What we do pays-it-forward over and over and over again – like "good karma" that just keeps expanding.  

The more people behave this way, the more natural it becomes for the whole world to do behave this way.  Even the saddest or hardest of hearts with break open with time.  Giving transforms.

6.     Do One Thing You Have Never Done Before

Our soul loves to discover.  It is an inherent part of who we are as spiritual beings -- and the driving force of creative existence.  Yet, you cannot discover, if you do not permit yourself to have the opportunity to do it.  How can you discover new things if you do only and always what you already know.

Take a different route to work.  Try a new activity.  Take a new class.  Try food from a new culture.  Travel somewhere new.  Talk to a stranger … or meet a new neighbor.  

Comfort in our life can be supportive and nurturing, but never become so fixed in the known that you can never discover something new. The world awaits your enthusiastic sense of exploration and discovery - to reveal magic and mystical things to you!

7.     Find a Mind Expanding Book to Read

The world is filled with amazing people and thinkers.  Great wisdom and inspiration is found in the writing and work of spiritually wise beings.  This can be a great source of personal development and spiritual expansion.  It can kindle your spiritual flame!

Pay attention to your own inspiration.  Is their something you would love to learn or read about?  Pay attention to what comes “into your sphere” of awareness or inspires you.  Honor it!  Go a bookstore or online and pick a book based on your intuitive guidance - and drink it in!

8.     Rekindle a Sense of Wonder and Awe

Life is filled with marvel.  In our day-to-day routines, it can be easy to find the flow of life a little lackluster – but in truth – life is full of intrigue and awe.  

Ponder on things that inspire you, and look for the magic in life’s little moments.  Pay attention to nature and natural activities.  Go to a garden or look at the stars.   Read an article about something amazing on the frontiers of science.  Watch children and animals play.   Be moved by magic!

9.     Be Present

Our lives today are heavily focused on mental activity, technology and achievement.  There is a quote by the Dalai Lama that I love:  

“If you are sad, you are living in the past.  
If you worry, you are living in the future.  
To live, you must be in the present.”

This statement is simple but deep.  Pay attention to how often we are distracted and multitasking, or too busy to really look someone in the eye and engage in a meaningful moment.  

If you work with people, or shop for groceries, or spend time with your friends and family – learn to stop and be present, fully present, in the activity you are dong with them.  Take time and go for a nature walk and be present in the experience.  Pay attention to the sights and sounds happening around you.  

Learning to be present is one of the greatest gifts a human being can provide to both themselves, and to others.   

10. Breathe

Okay, do it again : )  
And again 
… until your spirit stirs up a joy in your heart in this moment!

Every blessing !

Dr. John is a physician, energy healer, author (The Missing Pill:  The Rise of Energy Medicine and Conscious Bio-Spiritual Transformation) and founder of Unity Field Healing 
A Pioneering Energy Process that works with your Quantum DNA ).  

<![CDATA[New Beginnings ...]]>Tue, 31 Dec 2013 14:41:23 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/new-beginningsPicture
And So Begins 2014!

An auspicious year begins with a new moon on January 1st - a super moon in fact - representing a potent time of creativity.  
( For INFO:  http://earthsky.org/space/what-is-a-supermoon )

For many, the end of 2103 comes with little dismay for it has been a year of turbulence and transformation for so many people, and the planet!  It has been a great teacher of patience and balance!  But as we see the first waves of 2104 settle upon the shores of time, we are in for an energetic reprieve.  This promises to be a year of change, but more in the form of celebration and restitution than chaos.  It is time to awaken the power of spirit within each of our hearts!  Yes, the hallelujah echoes loud and clear : )

There is no time like the present to put your creative ducks in row. This is not the time to think of overcoming obstacles.  It is a time to empower your creative reverie - a force which can dismantle obstacles simply through the power of presence.  As you begin the new year, take a little time to infuse energy into what you want your life, and life on the planet, to be.   Perhaps, rather than resolutions, make a commitment this year to explore the manifestation of love that you are in your soul.  Nurture your life with encouragement, wisdom, kindness, patience, honour, compassion, and faith.  Engage in the "simple" act of letting go of the power drains or worry, judgment, guilt, defensiveness and shame.  Let us all live more authentically and peacefully together - as we take our first steps together in year TWO of the awakening world!  

Let the power of this creative impulse energize your path - so any obstacles are dismantled through the power of your dreams.   

A very happy, invigorating, spirit-inspired and transformative new year to all!

<![CDATA[Afterall … the thanks!]]>Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:26:11 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/afterall-the-thanksPicture
Another Thanksgiving day season has come and gone.  To me this has alway been a special holiday season - for in spirit it transcends the boundary of all religious belief and pierces right the heart of good living - a space of conscious gratitude.  

It is important to stop and to take time for all the good things and events each one of us encounters, the things which  nurture us on the path of life and growth … simple to celebrate the blessings.  Our friendships, family, pets, work, the earth, experiences and all forms of nurturance make a long and noble list.  It is also wise to celebrate the challenges we face that are mysteriously propelling us strengthen and grow.  

However, as fruitful as it is to stop and celebrate in gratefulness there is no need to limit the power of gratitude to a single celebration!  As the sun sets on this season, perhaps it worthy to stop and hold on to the best of the thanksgiving season. 

The way we habitually think, feel and choose - holds a powerful creative matrix in which we live our lives.  To spend time each day in place of gratitude we are building a powerful atmosphere - a space, or energetic environment, that surrounds us and serve as a fertile and magnetic field of attraction that provides the foundation on which we nurture our lives.  

Understanding that to live in a space of gratitude is perhaps one of the most powerful conscious adjustments a person can make to create health, abundance, joy and beauty in their life - why restrict it to a short time of honour?  Why not make it a way of life!   Let us all commit to living each day this year to remember the power of gratitude.

Today I am grateful to have this moment to share with you, for the beauty and creative magic you bring to the planet and to the lives of all those around you.  May you be blessed a thousand times so that your life is rich with conscious joy and abundant blessing.  May it support this foundation, so you may continue to bring all the love that you do to the lives of those around you, and fill your life with the miracles of this alchemical magic!  Happy, endless thanksgiving!

<![CDATA[The Amazing Joy of Creative Manifestation]]>Sat, 09 Nov 2013 16:00:03 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/the-amazing-joy-of-creative-manifestationPicture
Well, it has been almost a year now since I first began to share a unique, and somewhat mystical healing program - entitled Unity Field Healing.  I have felt both blessed and inspired to see the magic of spiritual development, and the ways it has touched the lives of those who have been supported through its birth.

With a great deal of honor, I am simply grateful to be a channel through which something good is being given to humanity.  The beauty of this has caused me to pause and reflect - for when we recognize the role that we each play in the process of creative birth, even as a man : ), life becomes a truly awe inspiring and noble affair. What are some of the miracles and magic that you have created?  Astounding really.

We have all brought great gifts into being through the course of our lives, and it is truly a remarkable feeling to be a conduit of such grace. I would like to take a moment and thank your for the gifts and love that you bring.  I can see, that as we each let light and an its awakening impulse into our lives, it is ceaseless and precise in its ability to direct us each forward and help us play the role of inspired partner in the oneness of life.   Whether in the form of healing, transformation or awakening greater creative expression - the path to joy and wellbeing is paved with the jewels of our inspired creativity.

As the work of Unity Field Healing first unfolded, it was clear that two principle sessions were to be involved in the "process" in this unique work.  I love doing these sessions - but it is true that personal sessions are limited - by time and can be costly on a budget.  People everywhere are seeking to grow and transform.  People want greater, convenient, economical and simple access - for support in their healing journey. It is time.  I felt compelled to make a venue for greater access to this remarkable tool. I know these strong "in-spirations" is "spirit prompting from the inside out".  And it is from this burning inspiration that our creativity blossoms! 

Well, today is the day!  Two brand new audio programs to provide Session 1 (Self Attunement) and Session 2 (Unity Field Healing Attunement) are now available!  Magical, convenient, accessible and affordable - a dream come true.  In every next step of this remarkable journey, I can see anew, the magical process of inspired creativity.  It is truly a blessing to see the fruits of labor take form and come to life.  

Every creative expression touches upon the ageless theme of creative manifestation - the wonder of being human.  It also, however, touches up a timeless truth - when we understand that our creativity can bring greater wonder and healing into our life and the lives of those we encounter and love.  Who could ask for anything more?

It is a great privilege to make this work available in a brand new format.  I pray that each and every person who opens themselves to growth, and resonates with this remarkable tool of support, may find blessing, healing and love in every word and breath!

For information on these new audio programs, please visit:

As a special gift, access to Session 1 is available for limited time AS A FREE GIFT ($25 value) - just to say thanks to YOU.  To gain access to your free audio program click HERE



<![CDATA[Can There Be Peace?]]>Tue, 10 Sep 2013 16:28:30 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/can-there-be-peacePicture
The world grapples these days with an endless array of conflict. So much pain and so many acts of hatred have been committed.  The world stands on the brink of another destabilizing and costly strike of war, in the name of goodness.  It is worthy question to ask how peace can be a  reasonable outcome to any conflict such as this - particularly where any parties involved might not seem open to the higher road of peace and respect of human dignity.

History has shown us the mistake of mass naivety, silence and blindness to totalitarian ambitions. We are all aware that humanity can not stand aside and watch atrocities be committed in the struggle for power and control.  But what can we do?  And can peace and healing begin before we dig deeper into this abyss?  

We can easily feel powerless when faced with such monumental challenges.  But perhaps the greatest challenge lies in the understanding that we have been asleep to our power as people.  Yes , it can be overwhelming in such times to know what is right to think or to do - as individuals who know fully there is a better way.  We can truly make a difference - but we must understand where our power really lies.  

When humans being gather in consciousness to create, there is an enormous power that arises.  Scientifically, this has been shown - as the influence of meditation or group prayer has influenced the level of crime and peace experienced in our environments.  It is a process of quantum induction of coherence, where we become the goal within our own being, and bring it alive in conscious focus into the field of humanity.

Such action represents the power of quantum creation.  The goal of peace, rather than the recipe to make it, is the focus - even though the way is not known.  Each and every one of us is capable of embodying peace, affirming peace, living peace, and supporting a field of enlightened process by joining in conscious intention to share this with the planet.

The power to support enlightened activity grows exponentially, as more and more people work in harmony to influence the planetary energy field.  It can be viewed as a process of consciously bringing coherent light and love - to influence humanities collective ability to see, to understand and to make choices.  If there is greater light available there is greater wisdom available.  Solutions appear, pathways unfold and the road to a higher consciousness reality can reveal itself to our collective human race.

The most amazing thing in modern day, is that we do not even have to be present in the same place to work together.  As conscious human beings - people awakening to our spiritual nature, our oneness and our power - we can work together in the quantum field to support the highest potentials of life.  Through the web of life, the crystalline grids of Gaia  we can empower this enlightened momentum.  

Take 5 minutes today  to become still and peaceful.  Join knowing that there are million's of members of the human family who are doing this too in the collective field of human consciousness.  We can work collectively to support resolution of these struggles.  The power of our intention grows exponentially as we join together.  Imagine a transition into a world of peace with ease and grace.  Imagine the arrival of enlightened solutions that can bring the world together toward a new foundation.  Let us dream a new world into being.  Never underestimate the power of the human heart.  In the poetic words of a kindred spirit:

     “You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. 
       I hope someday you'll join us. 
      And the world will live as one.”  

                               John Lennon

If you need a little musical interlude to support you - you can cut and paste this link : )  

<![CDATA[The Road Ahead]]>Wed, 15 May 2013 20:57:13 GMThttps://drjohnryan.org/blog/the-road-aheadPicture
As humanity takes its first steps forward in the post 2012 era, it seems like there is a great deal of uncertainty and chaos all around us.  It is a time transition, and transition means change.

Change for the sake of refreshment is always interesting. But the change upon us is one of monumental power.  It leads us further and further away from an old paradigm, often one of great darkness, into one of an ever enlightening life.  Old patterns and outdated programs of living will slowly wash away - but when the crescendo of change climaxes to a point of transformation,  it can seem sudden and unexpected.  So we must be prepared for change - and many now lay ahead.

Make time to return to the solace within - a place to reset within your own being.  Remember to be the witness of passing momentum - and not to lose power in your engagement in drama, with struggles or the tantalization of fear.   Keep compassion in your heart always.  Keep your eye on the horizon.  Move toward it with the creative peace and intent you hold in your heart, always and forever, in the eternal now.  
